This is a private executive coaching program focused on strategic interview emulation approached in three different dimensions.

Who should attend

Participants who are taking part in an inside hire process for a new position at the same company.

Participants in their career move and taking part in a recruitment process outside the company.

Participants who are true spokespeople for the institution’s culture with enough representativity to engage stakeholders.
A more self-confident speaker, able to navigate with much more ease through strategic interviews in English.
Better prepared participants to talk about themselves and their stories in English.
Answering questions more clearly and coherently in English.
Ad libbing in communication making language their own while counting on a more versatile vocabulary.
This program is available year round.
Dates and times will be adapted according to participant’s needs and will be aligned with program coordination. Working hours are Mondays-Fridays from 6am to 10pm. Saturdays from 7am to 6pm. Sundays and holidays on-demand only.
Program Structure
This is a virtual program and it consists of 10 private coaching sessions (60 min. each).